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CONCILIANET 9 years of ODR in Consumer Protection in MEXICO

Dans le cadre des Midi-conférences des jeunes chercheurs, le Centre de recherche en droit public est heureux de présenter la conférence de Amada Maria Arley Orduña, candidate au doctorat en droit à Law School National Autonomous University of Mexico  (UNAM). Sa présentation s’intitule :  « CONCILIANET.  9 years of ODR in Consumer Protection MEXICO ».

La conférence se tiendra en anglais et sera suivie d’une période de discussion ouverte à tou(te)s.

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The Consumer Protection Institution in Mexico called “Procuraduria Federal del Consumidor (Profeco)“ run his project Conciliatet in 2008 as a digital platform dedicated to facilitate synchronous and asynchronous communication during conciliation process in the conflicts between consumers and suppliers. Since then has been pass nine years with amazing statistic results  with more than 90% of the conflicts resolved by the system. But now Concilianet have challenges to generate more access to justice to the Mexican and foreign consumers in national commerce and cross border commerce. Concilianet has been an example for get the compromise of the companies and serve as good reputation to the companies part of the program, so Concilianet has taught us how overcome the legal lacks of Profeco through good operational and technological management.


Amada Maria Arley is currently a doctoral student of the Posgraduate Program of Law School at National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), she has coming as visiting researcher to the University of Montreal in the Laboratory of Cyberjustice under the direction of Professor Karim Benyekhlef.

The research line of Amada is Online Dispute Resolution in cross-border electronic commerce in America, it has been analyzing the consumer protection legislation and its conflict resolution systems in Latin America and North America.

Amada was founder and coordinator of the Negotiation and Mediation Center at the Law School (UNAM). She is graduated from the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and was named winner of the First Place for “Best Thesis of North American Studies” by the North American Research Center (CISAN) at UNAM. She was international observer for the Latin American Institute of Electronic Commerce (ILCE) in the works of the Working Group III of  United Nations Commission on International Trade Law – (UNCINTRAL) which discussed the « Online Dispute Resolution »

She is author of the book « Beyond NAFTA, Security and Prosperity Partnership. What is it and where are we going? » Editorial Porrúa, and the book for Courses « Basic Workshop on Negotiation and Mediation« , plus diverse articles in national and international Law Reviews with topics related on NAFTA, ODR and Consumer Protection. She has been Lecturer with seven years of experiences at Law Faculty at UNAM, University of the Valley of Mexico and the University Motolonia del Pedregal.

Cette activité ne fait pas l’objet d’une reconnaissance pour la formation continue au Barreau du Québec et à la Chambre des notaires du Québec. En conséquence, aucune heure de formation continue n’est attribuée à cette activité.

Location: Université de Montréal - Faculté de droit