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Interdisciplinary Inventory of the Anti-corruption solutions in Egypt: A study of the Theory of Law and Public Governance

Dans le cadre des Midi-conférences des jeunes chercheurs, le Centre de recherche en droit public est heureux de présenter la conférence de Marianne Kaldas, candidate au doctorat à la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Montréal.  Sa présentation s’intitule : « Interdisciplinary Inventory of the Anti-corruption solutions in Egypt: A study of the Theory of Law and Public Governance ».


January 25th 2011, the Egypt people galvanized by many years of injustice, corruption and misery brought forth a cataclysm that left its footprints on the path of History. As an Egyptian resident during this time, I not only witnessed this movement but also was myself part of it, fully immersed in this political turbulence and ideological upheaval.

The research aims at discussing the steps and measures undertaken by the Egyptian government to curb corruption in Egypt. It seeks to examine the extent to which these steps were likely to achieve their goals given the high rate of administrative corruption, the power of the political economy, and the governance problems.

Using a methodology that combines desk review, documents analyses, observations, and situational knowledge of the country, the study aims at creating a dialogue between different disciplines instead of a monologue within a discipline. Therefore, this research uses an interdisciplinary and critical theory that aims to create better constructed legislative action plan to attain the desired goal in fighting against corruption by answering the following questions:

What anti-corruption solutions the different disciplines interested in fighting against corruption offer? What is the reason behind the success of those strategies in some countries and its failure in others? From those proposed solutions which one can successfully lead to a strategic action plan that can fit within the particularities (social, historical, geopolitical, religious…) of the Egyptian context? How can this study represent a benefit to the theory of law and public governance?

This study seeks to provide a framework for sequencing reforms. The framework will be useful in analyzing the underlying causes of corruption that are mainly due to the country’s governance problems, political economy, and the lack of enforcement of the rule of law. The study also contributes to the creation of a realistic strategic action plan to introduce legal reforms to fight against corruption in Egypt on the basis of the examination of the processes of governance. The main aim is to face the problem of the existing gaps between the intended governance reforms and the reality on the ground.


Marian Kaldas holds a BA in Business Administration from the American University in Cairo, Egypt. She also holds an LL.B. from the faculty of Law, Cairo University and an LL.M. from the Robert H. McKinney school of Law, Indiana University, USA.

Marian Kaldas is a PhD. Candidate at the faculty of Law University of Montreal. She works under the supervision of Professor Violaine Lemay. She is the co-editor in chief of the scientific review “Les Chantiers de la Recherche en Droit” Vol#3.

Her research interests focuses on finding adequate legal measures to curb corruption in emerging countries like Egypt while taking into consideration the country’s geopolitical, and socio-political context.

Cette activité ne fait pas l’objet d’une reconnaissance pour la formation continue au Barreau du Québec et à la Chambre des notaires du Québec.

En conséquence, aucune heure de formation continue n’est attribuée à cette activité.

Location: Université de Montréal - Faculté de droit