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REPORTÉE - Transitional Equality

Cette conférence est annulée et pourrait être reportée à une date ultérieure.

Cette conférence est organisée par le Centre de recherche en droit public de l'Université de Montréal.


This presentation examines the underexplored issue of inequality in the process of shifting legal relational status and posits a framework of “Transitional Equality” to address vulnerabilities that may arise during the process of transition itself. Focusing on the constitutional law of intimacy, the speaker will discuss the case study of tens of thousands of same-sex couples who have transitioned from the legal status of unmarried to married after the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision on marriage equality in Obergefell v. Hodges.

Same-sex couples face substantially different process burdens than different-sex couples when moving from unmarried to married. Transitional Equality is a framework for identifying obstacles (racism, poverty, and other structural obstacles) to full enjoyment of new legal rights and building resilience in the process of moving from one legal relational status to another.

Suzanne A. Kim is Professor of Law and Judge Denny Chin Scholar at Rutgers Law School at Rutgers University, the State University of New Jersey. Her research and teaching focus on social inequality, family, gender, antidiscrimination, procedure, constitutional law, and access to justice at the intersections of law, critical theory, and social sciences.

Professor Kim is a member of the Executive Committees of several Association of American Law Schools sections, and is a past winner of the Association of American Law Schools Women in Legal Education New Voices in Gender Studies Paper Competition. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in reviews and journals at Yale Law School, Harvard Law School, Georgetown University, UC Berkeley, Ohio State University Law School, Indiana University, and Hastings University Law School, in publications by Cambridge University Press and Oxford University Press, and in peer-reviewed and peer-edited law and interdisciplinary journals, including the International Journal of Law in Context (by Cambridge University Press), Law and Society Review, and the American Journal of Public Health. 

Prior to joining the faculty at Rutgers, Professor Kim taught at Stanford Law School in what is now the Grey Fellowship. She has been a visiting scholar at Columbia Law School and Emory Law School. She has also taught at Fordham Law School.

Cette conférence sera donnée en anglais.


Mme Suzanne Kim, Professor of Law and Judge Denny Chin Scholar at Rutgers Law School at Rutgers University

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Une attestation sera livrée par courriel aux avocats et aux notaires présents et ayant signé les feuilles de présence. Un délai de 10 jours est requis pour la réception de l'attestation.


Location: Université de Montréal - Pavillon Maximilien-Caron 3101, chemin de la tour Salon François-Chevrette (A-3464) Montréal H3T 1J7 QC Canada