The Use of LLMs and AI in Law Practice

This workshop is the second in a 5-part ACT Project series entitled “AI, Large Language Models and Justice: Considerations for Legal Practitioners, Judges, Law Schools, and Public Legal Educators”. This second session will explore the use of AI and LLMs in legal practice. In it, Professor Amy Salyzyn Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law (Common Law Section) and Dr. Katie Szilagyi, Assistant Professor at the University of Manitoba Faculty of Law. Both speakers are regularly engaged in legal professional training and education sessions and are well recognized for their expertise relating to the uses of AI and LLMs by legal practitioners, and the promise and perils of these technologies in relation to professional ethics, access to justice, and the integrity and rule of law.
Conférencières :
Amy Salyzyn and Katie Szilagyi
Cette activité vous permettra d’obtenir une attestation de présence représentant 1 heure et 30 minutes de formation continue.
Location: Laboratoire de cyberjustice 3200 rue Jean-Brillant, B-2215 Université de Montréal B-2215 Montréal H3T 1N8 Québec Canada