Understanding Large Language Models

This workshop is the first in a multi-part ACT Project series entitled “AI, Large Language Models and Justice: Considerations for Legal Practitioners, Judges, Law Schools, and Public Legal Educators”. This first session is intended to provide a base line of foundational information relating to AI and LLMs. In it, Dr. Mark J. Daley, Chief AI Officer at Western University and a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science, will contextualize LLMs within the broader context of AI. Among other things, Dr. Daley will offer accessible insights into how LLMs work, what they can be used for and their limitations.
Mark Daley
Cette activité vous permettra d’obtenir une attestation de présence représentant 1 heure et 30 minutes de formation continue.
Location: Laboratoire de cyberjustice 3200 rue Jean-Brillant, B-2215 Université de Montréal B-2215 Montréal H3T 1N8 Québec Canada