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Participation des Prs Noura Karazivan, Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens et Jean Leclair à la 6e édition du Canadian Constitutional Law

Canadian Constitutional Law, 6th Edition | Emond Publishing

In the sixth edition of Canadian Constitutional Law, general editor Patrick Macklem is joined by co-general editor Carissima Mathen, a constitutional law expert and professor at the University of Ottawa. Drawing on an editorial team that is rich with regional, linguistic, and scholarly diversity, this edition remains true to the structure of previous editions while providing a fresh perspective on many constitutional matters.

Canadian Constitutional Law,  6th Edition includes expanded coverage of Indigenous issues in chapters throughout the book, informed by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. Featuring up-to-date case law and insightful commentary, this interdisciplinary text emphasizes the history of the Canadian Constitution to facilitate a greater understanding of contemporary constitutional issues and interpretations.

Serving as a valuable pedagogical resource in the classroom and beyond, Canadian Constitutional Law, 6th Edition remains the most comprehensive casebook and authoritative teaching resource on Canadian constitutional law.

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