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/ Law Faculty

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Law Library

Rich, varied and indispensable resources

  • More than 180,000 print materials, including 95,000 monographs, and 85,000 periodicals.
  • Subscribtion to 2,845 titles, including periodicals, databases, and loose-leaf publications.
  • A great number of electronic resources, which include about 2,000 periodical titles, and more than 30,000 monographs in addition to printed resources.
  • Full access to the collections of other Université de Montréal libraries, and to a loan service program between libraries granting them access to books, periodicals, and other publications from Canadian and international universities.
  • Essential resources on the jurisdictions of Quebec, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth, France, and the European Union.

Website of the Law Library [in French]

Contact us

Name TitleRoomTelephone Email

-, Poste vacant -

Directeur ou directrice -

Angers, Viviane
Cheffe du service de référence et de la formation de première ligne (interim) -

Arsa, Nadège
Librarian - 514 343-6111 #4317

Ayoub, Mathieu

Chef du service en soutien à la recherche -

Bernard, Amélie
Documentation Technician - 514 343-6111 #4313

Blais Longtin, Simon
Bibliothécaire - 514 343-6111 #4314

Bouhal, Sara
Librarian - 514 343-6111 #4309

Therrien, Mylène
Responsable du service à la clientèle -

VIEL, Josée
Documentation Technician - 514 343-6111 #4306

Where is the law library?

The circulation counter for the law library is located on the 4th floor of Pavillon Maximilien-Caron.

Campus map

Tel.: 514 343-7095