A page in history with Pierre Elliott Trudeau
LL. L. magna cum laude, 1943

Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1919-2000)
Prime Minister of Canada (1968-1979 and 1980-1984) and former professor at the Faculty
Mr. Trudeau graduated with high honours at the top of his class in 1943. He was appointed associate professor in 1961 and taught constitutional law. In 1962, he contributed to the creation of the Public Law Research Centre. Elected as MP in the House of Commons in 1965, he became Prime Minister of Canada on April 20, 1968, a position he held for 15 years in total, first from 1968 to 1979, and then from 1980 to 1984. During his last term, he passed the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that would forever change legal relations in the country. Pierre Elliott Trudeau is considered by many as one of the greatest political figures of the 20th century.