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A page of history with Jean-Jacques Bertrand

LL. L. 1941

Jean-Jacques Bertrand (1916-1973)

Premier of Quebec (1968-1970)

Jean-Jacques Bertrand was appointed Minister of Education and Minister of Justice in the government of Daniel Johnson Sr., whom he succeeded after his sudden death. He was sworn in as Quebec Premier for Union nationale on October 2, 1968—a position he held for 1 year, 7 months, and 10 days. When Mr. Bertrand graduated from the Faculty, he was described as follows in an article published in Le Quartier latin: “Type: A sensible Descartes, logical to a fault, a lion’s mane. Ideal: A Canadian Mirabeau; debating in the House of Commons. Hobbies: Talking his head off, organizing seminars.”