Jean Hétu
- Professeur émérite
Faculté de droit
Pavillon Maximilien-Caron office A-9465-8
Jean Hétu, Ad. E. has degrees from the Faculties of Law of Université de Montréal (LL. L. 1970) and Harvard University (LL. M. 1972, concentration: Urban Legal Studies) and was called to the Barreau du Québec in 1971. As a member of the Faculty, he has taught municipal law and administrative law. In 1980, he co-authored the Malouf Commission report on cost overruns for the XXI Olympics. In 1987, Jean Hétu presided over a work group seeking to reform Quebec municipal courts and was a member of the committee reviewing the Courts of Justice Act that created the Quebec court system. From 1987 to 1991, upon recommendation of the Faculty Deans, he joined the board of directors, and then the executive committee, of Société québécoise d'information juridique.
In fall 2004, Jean Hétu was named by Montreal City Council to be the secretary of a working group on the electoral framework. For many years, he was also President of a Barreau du Québec committee looking at municipal affairs and member of a consulting committee to review urban planning in the Vieux Longueuil borough. Furthermore, he is a member of the selection committee for a legal aid fund for Quebec City municipalities and expert council for the Dufresne Hébert Comeau law firm, specializing in municipal law. The author of many works on municipal law, Jean Hétu also heads the Actualité juridique municipale newsletter, published by CCH ltée. His book, entitled, Droit municipal : Principes généraux et contentieux, is frequently quoted in Quebec courts.
Education Programs
- Law
- DRT3501 Droit municipal
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Jean Hétu et Alain R. Roy, Éthique et gouvernance municipale : Guide de prévention des conflits d'intérêts, 2e éd., Brossard, CCH ltée, 2013, 586 p.
Loi sur les compétences municipales et Code municipal. Textes explicatifs et références législatives (Brossard, Publications CCH ltée, 2006, 563 p., en coll.)
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