Experts in: Matrimonial regimes
BRISSON, Jean Maurice
Professeur honoraire
LEFEBVRE, Brigitte
Professeure honoraire
TALPIS, Jeffrey A.
Professeur titulaire
- Private international law
- Notarial law
- Family law
- Comparative law
- Estates
- Matrimonial regimes
- Sureties
- Contracts
- Trusts
- Alternative methods of conflict resolution
- International law of successions: planning and litigation
- Estates (succession) and trusts law
- National and private international fiduciary law
- Private international law pertaining to the protection of incapacitated persons
- Property relations between spouses and other cohabitation models in private international law
- Private international law pertaining to security rights
- International commercial contracts
- International litigation strategies in civil and commercial matters
- Notarial law
- International notarial law
- Alternative methods for the resolution of international commercial disputes – NAFTA Committee 2022
- International legal practice
- Comparative law in matters of succession
- Foreign matrimonial regimes