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Programme [Anglais] Business Law in a Global Context

Destiné exclusivement aux étudiants étrangers, ce programme offre une formation avancée en droit nord-américain, en droit comparé, en droit international, et aborde la complexité croissante du droit dans un monde globalisé. Les étudiants qui terminent ce programme avec succès auront acquis d'importantes capacités d'analyse et de recherche qui leur permettront d'envisager des carrières enrichissantes et de haut niveau. Tous les cours de ce programme sont offerts en anglais seulement.

Programme Business Law in a Global Context

Message de la doyenne

Dear Students,

I thank you for your interest in our Faculty of Law and our Master in Business Law in a Global Context. Our LL.M. program is uniquely tailored to international students seeking an edge into the competitive field of international business law.

Founded in 1878, Université de Montréal (UdeM) is among the top universities in the world. UdeM includes 13 faculties, two affiliated schools and more than 80 departments.

The Faculty of Law is one of the most prestigious in Canada. With over 135 years of legal expertise, it has made a significant contribution to the evolution of law.

Faithful to its reputation of excellence, the Faculty can count on professors committed to their students, highly involved in research, and whose publications have influenced legal doctrine in Quebec, Canada and internationally. In fact, year after year, the Faculty ranks among the best worldwide for the dynamism and quality of its research.

The Faculty has a strong bijural tradition based on the legal traditions of Quebec. Hence, the curriculum naturally combines civil and common law, providing proficiency in both Western legal traditions.

Business law is one of our strengths. Since 1997, the Centre for the Law of Business and International Trade (CDACI) has been furthering the Faculty’s expertise in the field. As part of its mandate, the CDACI prepares future generations to resolve the challenges facing the business world.

At the Faculty of Law, we pride ourselves on the success of our 1,500 students. Everyone at the Faculty – over 55 professors, 100 lecturers, 4 law librarians as well as administrative staff – are dedicated to making your academic career a success.

As you will soon find out, the Faculty of Law is more than a campus; it is a place of exchange where you will build a solid network from among an internationally diverse student body and renowned legal scholars.

These webpages present our University, Faculty and our LL.M. program of Business Law in a Global Context. In addition to finding the information that you seek, we hope that you will share our enthusiasm and join us. I look forward to welcoming you at our Faculty.

France Houle

Message du directeur de programme

The LL.M. in Business Law in a Global Context at UdeM addresses two profound challenges shaping international business law.

The first challenge stems from the complex interactions between legal systems and the global economy.  More than ever, the business world requires an understanding of the different legal systems shaping international business law.  In this endeavor, only a comparative approach to law can effectively address economic, social and legal questions in their global context.  Through comparative law, our LL.M. skills students to successfully resolve complex international business problems and adapt to emerging and fast evolving international legislation and practice.

Responding to the demands of the globalized business environment on the legal profession is another challenge at the heart of our LL.M.  The practice of law has become more diversified as a result of the virtual abolition of borders.  Lawyers must adapt to the  changing needs of their clients and employer, who no longer require only legal services, but also business advice.  To respond to this growing demand, the LL.M. program focuses on developing expertise in all spheres of international business law.

LL.M. courses are taught by scholars at the cutting edge of their disciplines, committed to providing the highest quality of legal education.  Our professors are leaders in traditional and emerging fields of law such as e-commerce, commercial and business law, and, international trade.  They take a personal interest in the progress of each student and are always happy to offer advice.

A distinctive feature of our LL.M. program is that some subjects are taught through small groups of students allowing for in depth discussions and exchanges.   Courses also combine diverse teaching methods, such as problem-solving assignments and case-based learning.

For all of these reasons, our Faculty of Law remains a top choice for students looking to become leaders in their legal profession.

I wish you much success in your projects and hope to meet you at our Faculty.

Professor Hugo Tremblay
Program Director

Fall Admission

End of August


12-month program

Application deadline

We encourage students to apply by February 1st, but we will accept and review applications until May 1st at the latest.


All courses in this program are taught in English.

Contenu du programme

The LL.M. in Business Law in a Global Context is a full-time 12 month program that runs from September to August.

The program requires the successful completion of 45 credits, allocated as follows:

  • LAW 6450 – Western Legal Systems (3 cr.)
  • LAW 6451 – Commercial Aspects of Common Law (2 cr.)
  • LAW 6452 – Business Organization and Governance (3 cr.)
  • LAW 6453 – Secured Transactions and Bankruptcy (3 cr.)
  • LAW 6454 – Intellectual and Industrial Property (3 cr.)
  • LAW 6455 – Electronic Commerce Law (2 cr.)
  • LAW 6456 – Securities Regulation (2 cr.)
  • LAW 6457 – International Economic Relations (2 cr.)
  • LAW 6458 – International Contract Law (3 cr.)
  • LAW 6459 – International Commercial Disputes (2 cr.)
  • LAW 6460 – Legal Aspects of International Finance (2 cr.)
  • LAW 6461 – International Tax Law for Business Lawyers (2 cr.)
  • LAW 6462 – Globalization and Emerging Economies (3 cr.)
  • LAW 6463 – International Economic Crimes (2 cr.)
  • LAW 6464 – Integration Workshop (2 cr.)
  • LAW 6466 – Legal Research and Drafting Seminar (3 cr.)
  • LAW 6467 – Legal Practice in Canada (3 cr.)
  • LAW 6468 – The Appeal (3 cr.)

Voir la description des cours

Conditions d’admission

The Faculty seeks to bring together outstanding students from diverse legal traditions and life experiences. We select highly motivated candidates that possess strong inter-personal skills and who are eager to contribute to the study of business law. To be eligible for the Master in Business Law in a Global Context, applicants must:

  • Possess a law degree or an equivalent degree with high academic standing from an accredited university;
  • Have a thorough knowledge of the English language. Students whose primary language is not English or who have not completed an undergraduate degree at a recognized institution where English is the language of instruction are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), the International English Language Testing Sytem (IELTS), or an equivalent test, and should achieve a score judged satisfactory by the Dean of the Faculty of Law;
  • Take part in a personal interview if it is judged necessary by the admission committee;
  • Meet the other admission requirements specified in the academic regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. More information on the admission process can be found at the end of this brochure.

    Bourses d’études

    Only a limited number of scholarships for graduate students attending the Master of Laws (LL.M.) Business Law in a Global Context program will be offered based upon the excellence of the student’s application.

    Some countries or national organisations provide scholarships to their citizens, i.e. China: China Scholarship Council.

    Please consult your local resources.

    Other scholarships may be available at the Faculty to graduate students during the academic year.


    Law degree or an equivalent degree with high academic standing from an accredited university.

    Other criterias

    Meet the other admission requirements specified in the applicable academic regulations; Take part in a personal interview, if necessary.


    Thorough knowledge of the English language.

    Personnes ressources

    Hugo Tremblay

    Directeur du programme

    Tél. : 514 343-2199

    Hugo Tremblay

    Bureau : A-8440

    Martin Scully

    Directeur - Gestion des programmes et des études

    Tél. : (514) 343-2428

    Martin Scully

    Bureau : A-9468

    Elitsa Nikolova

    Elitsa Nikolova

    Technicienne en coordination du travail de bureau

    Tél. : (514) 343-6125

    Elitsa Nikolova

    Bureau : A-9438

    Ingrid Marlène Rodriguez Santibanez

    Technicienne en gestion des dossiers étudiants

    Tél. : (514) 343-6111 x 4897

    Ingrid Marlène Rodriguez Santibanez

    Bureau : A-3440

    Joindre UdeM International

    UdeM International

    Tél. : 514 343-6124


    Questions d’ordre général

    Procédure d’admission

    Guide pour l’étudiante ou l’étudiant étranger qui souhaite entrer à l’UdeM

    Guide UdeM International


    Anelise Nigon, LL.M. 2009-2010


    Drapeau France

    “This program has been one of the best experiences I had, both professionally as well as culturally. Thanks to this LL.M., I have learnt to work with many legal concepts. After graduating in 2010, I did an internship in an international business law firm where I used the concepts and methods I learnt in the LL.M. on a daily basis.”